Anna Stewart Project 2022

CPSU/CSA members Melissa Watson, Amy Edgerton and Kassey Truesdale have become the latest members to join “The Annas” following their participation in this year's Anna Stewart Project - a Union run program that seeks to empower women, inspire leadership and improve gender diversity, equality and rights in the workplace.

Anna Stewart, long-time campaigner for women’s rights and prominent union official, died in April 1983 and the Anna Stewart Memorial Project was established as an annual work experience program aimed at increasing women’s active union involvement.

As part of the five-day program, our 2022 'Annas' completed training workshops where they learned more about how unions work and key aspects of union organising and growth, with a focus on women's involvement and why unions are so important for women.

"I learned so much about the achievements of the women who came before us, and feel inspired to continue to work towards a fairer society with more confidence."

"I have come away from the week having a new confidence and knowledge base that I can apply to my unionism."

Women form a critical voice and can influence the culture of a workplace. Within both unions and the workplace, women have the immediate capacity to identify workplace aspects and assist in accommodating changing demands through consultation and inclusion.

The Anna Stewart Memorial Project highlights the way forward for women who are motivated to support other women by educating and empowering participants to drive meaningful change and opportunities for women within the workplace.   

Well done to our 2022 participants, we are excited to witness your future achievements as you continue to champion women's rights in the workplace! 

For more information about the Anna Stewart Memorial Project, visit:

From left to right: CPSU/CSA Branch Assistant Secretary, Melanie Bray and CPUS/CSA 2022 'Annas' -
Amy Edgerton, Kassey Truesdale and Melissa Watson