Child Protection Workers facing burnout
In a commanding interview, CPSU/CSA Secretary, Rikki Hendon told 720ABC's Nadia Mitsopoulos that children's lives are being put at risk and praised the Narrogin Child Protection team for speaking out publicly.
In a letter to their Union, Narrogin Child Protection workers have expressed deep concern that being under-resourced over a sustained period is compromising the safety of staff and 'putting children at significant risk'.
In the letter, workers state:
We are all very concerned that this is going to result in the death of a child, or a tired worker who is working beyond their normal working hours and driving late at night on country roads.
— Narrogin Child Protection Workers via a letter to the Union
CPSU/CSA Branch Secretary Rikki Hendon says the Union is hearing similar concerns from all child protection workers across WA.
“We regularly receive reports from child protection workers across the state that their offices are running significantly short on staff, often the equivalent of one or more teams down.
“Child protection workers are committed to keeping children and young people safe from neglect and abuse, but they’re doing their job in an under-resourced system with one hand tied behind their backs."
Right now, the Government is simply not employing enough staff to do this critical work. This is resulting in dangerously high caseloads, Child Safety Investigations pending for up to 5 months, and, at last count, nearly 1000 children with open cases but no dedicated caseworker.
— Branch Secretary Rikki Hendon
This is incredibly demanding work. Without safe workloads, without the capacity to work reasonable hours and take leave for rest and recuperation, more and more child protection workers will burn out and leave.
“We’re calling on Minister McGurk and the McGowan Government to wake up to this crisis and invest in child protection to give our state’s most vulnerable families and children the best chance of a happy and safe future.
Child protection should be a top priority of this Government and we hope to see that reflected in this year’s state budget.
— Branch Secretary Rikki Hendon
Rikki Hendon on ABC Mornings
CPSU/CSA Branch Secretary, Rikki Hendon tells 720ABC’s Nadia Mitsopoulos that children’s lives are being put at risk.
Child Protection Workers Send A Message
ABC Perth's Nadia Mitsopoulos reading the text messages of deeply concerned Child Protection Workers live on air.
Karl O'Callaghan on ABC Mornings
Former Police Commissioner and current Foster Carer, Karl O'Callaghan joined ABC Mornings to speak about his professional and personal experience with the Department of Communities — agreeing with the CPSU/CSA's claim that at least 200 additional Caseworkers are required to ensure child safety and manage Child Protection Worker burnout in Western Australia.
Join the campaign!
Are you are CPSU/CSA Member or a member of the community who is a passionate advocate for the work of West Australian child protection workers? Get involved in our Every Child Counts Campaign