Conversion to Permanency - CPSU/CSA

Conversion to Permanency

Permanent Conversion to Permanency

Members first won this major battle against insecure work in 2018 when Commissioners Instruction 23 was released. This Instruction put the push on employers to work with your union to convert fixed-term and casual employees to permanent appointments.

Thousands of public sector workers have now secured lasting, permanent employment.

But a Commissioners Instruction can expire or be reviewed and changed by the government of the day at any time. That is why CPSU/CSA members continued the fight to have the instruction of CI23 permanently included in Your Union Agreement. And this year we got it!

The Public Sector CSA Agreement 2021 is now registered and live, meaning the Conversion to Permanency process has been triggered for thousands of members.

What happens now?

If you are covered by the Public Sector CSA Agreement 2021*, your employer is required to send us a list of all fixed-term and casual employees that will be reviewed by no later 24 November 2021 (Cl18.7 and 19.3). Employers must then conduct a review of those employees who are deemed eligible for conversion by no later the 24 December 2021. Could be a nice Christmas present!

We encourage all members and employees who believe they may be eligible for conversion to permanency to complete the form below to register for our assistance packs, training sessions and support.

*If you are covered by a PSCSAA2021 Satellite Agreement, your conversion to permanency process will come into effect from the date of registration of your agreement - keep an eye on your inbox for notification.

Are you eligible for Conversion to Permanency?

* indicates required
How long have you been on Contract/Casual: *
Are you a member of the CPSU/CSA? *