Union calls for McGowan to give clear direction on remote work
The union representing the state public sector, the CPSU/CSA, calls on the McGowan Government to allow all public sector workers who can, to work from home.
CPSU/CSA Branch Secretary Rikki Hendon said that while there are some public sector workers who must continue in frontline roles; forcing all public sector workers to go into the office needlessly increases the risk for the whole community:
“I am hearing daily about agencies refusing work from home arrangements.
“The reality is there are some public sector workers who simply cannot work from home. I’m proud to represent the many Youth Custodial Officers, frontline Child Protection workers and countless other public sector professionals who will keep attending their workplaces as long as they are needed.”
But I’m also hearing daily that there are workers across the sector needlessly breaching social distancing guidelines in their workspaces when they could be working from home.
“Forcing those who can work remotely to commute to the office risks their health. It also threatens the health of front-line workers who are needlessly exposed as they go about their work.”
“The Union is seeing massive inconsistency in how departments are applying remote working arrangements. Public Sector managers are doing their best, but many are operating without clear direction or policies to help them make the right decision.”
“In the context of this confusion, we’re calling on the McGowan Government to step up and direct agencies to do their bit. It is time to implement remote work arrangements in all possible circumstances”
“Where workers cannot work remotely, social distancing must be enforced, even if this means changing operations and service models.”
Quotes attributed to Branch Secretary Rikki Hendon