Volunteer - WA's Public Sector Union | CPSU/CSA



Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.
- William James

In 1901 a group of workers came together and decided to give their time to a body whose duty it was to protect the rights of workers and those they served.

Today, we are known as the CPSU/CSA.

Giving one’s time for the good of the whole is at the very heart of the union movement and it is this selfless commitment that has seen a great many things, some seemingly impossible, achieved over the years.

In a collective as large as ours, more than 120 agencies strong, it can be hard to keep up with what is going on in every corner of the public sector.

The revived CPSU/CSA Volunteer Network will bring passionate activists together from across the sector – and further afield – to help other members and activists with their campaigns.

Combining our industrial campaigning efforts with members, our families and friends, retirees, students and community supporters will be a rewarding experience; actively working together and being a part of a movement that cares for people first, is a profoundly meaningful and empowering act.

As we grow we hope to be able to bring the unity and passion of the union movement to the broader communities we operate in, creating a whole new way of organising for change.

Together we can build a stronger public service, stronger communities and a brighter future for generations to come.

Sign up today to start something – who knows where it may take you.


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