YUA22 Kit Alternative - CPSU/CSA

YUA22 Kit Alternative

Struggling to access our YUA22 Member Action Kit through Dropbox? Download individual items here:

22 DIY YUA22 Workplace Actions

YUA22 Claim Poster

Claim Poster: Infectious Diseases Leave

Claim Poster: Leave for Mental Health

Claim Poster: Working From Home

Claim Poster: Right to Disconnect

Public Sector Alliance Public Support Poster

ZOOM/Teams Background: Blue WA Needs A Pay Rise

ZOOM/Teams Background: Red WA Needs A Pay Rise

198 Methods of Nonviolent Action

Email Signature/Banner

Is your Department blocking Dropbox?
The CPSU/CSA makes a range of resources available for members and delegates on its website via Dropbox. Dropbox uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) to protect data in transit between Dropbox apps and our servers. SSL/TSL creates a secure tunnel protected by 128-bit or higher Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption. You can read more about how Dropbox secures and protects data here.

The majority of WA State Government departments do allow staff to access Dropbox, including some of the most security-conscious agencies that hold highly sensitive data, but there are still some pockets that are denying access. If you're in one of them we recommend the following:

1. Try accessing Dropbox, our content and downloads from home where possible as an interim measure

2. Have one of your Delegates send an email to your IT citing Clause 36 of the Public Sector Award, which asserts that union delegates be provided access to:

…facilities required for the purpose of carrying out their duties. Facilities may include but not be limited to, the use of filing cabinets, meeting rooms, telephones, fax, email–including broadcast emails–to all officers, internet, a union noticeboard, photocopiers, and stationery.

3. If IT is unable or unwilling to assist, we recommend that your Delegates escalate the issue to your JCC. A template agenda item for raising the issue can be obtained from the Peer Support and/or Capacity Building teams at the CPSU/CSA. Please email [email protected] for a copy of the template agenda item.

This is a known issue at the following Departments:
- Department of Finance
- Landgate
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
- Some workplaces within the Department of Communities
- Some Schools

The issue has been resolved at:
- Department of Educational (head office and most schools)
- Department of Communities 
- WA Police
- Department of Justice